Root Canal Therapy
Tooth decay, when left untreated, can progress to the innermost portion of the tooth called the pulp and may also cause an abscess to form at the root of the tooth. Endodontic treatment which is more commonly known as root canal treat is required which it has reached this stage. During this procedure all the decay is removed using a drill and the upper portion of the pulp is also removed giving access to the root canal.
Filing of the inside of the tooth helps to remove any remaining affected pulp and the root canal system is cleaned. A materiel called Gutta-percha is used to tightly seal the canal system. This material is bio-inert so it does not react with the body. It is inserted and compacted and cut to the desired shape. The reminder of the tooth is restored temporarily with a composite material which is set using a dental curing light. If the tooth shows no further signs of infection it is later restored permanently.
For more information on this procedure call our office or you request an appointment time below.
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